Expert Category: MEDICINE & HEALTH - Malpractice
Specialties: AB Princeton University - cum laude, 1958; MD Columbia College of Surgeons, 1962; Specializing in: cataract, glaucoma, refractive surgery, contact lenses; Residency 1965-68, Mt. Sinai Hospital NY (Ophthalmology); Attending surgeon: Mt. Sinai, Lenox Hill, Manhattan Eye & Ear (all in NY). Honors: honor award & service award (AAO), Sigma Xi (Princeton), named Top Doctors in U.S., Best Doctor in NY; Who's Who in America. Fellow of: American & International College of Surgeons; American Academy of Ophthalmology; International Society of Refractive Surgeons; New York Society of Ophthalmology, AMA. Degrees/Licenses: MD, Lic. in NY, FL, CA & NJ.