Expert Category: MEDICINE & HEALTH - Pain Management
Specialties: Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Occupational, Industrial, and Environmental Post-Traumatic Rheumatology/Arthritis, Syndromes of Chronic Fatigue and Pain, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Lupus, Scleroderma, Raynaud's Syndrome, Spondylitis, Myositis, Reflex Dystrophy. Consulting/Expert Experience: Consultation, case review, analysis, IME/AME, deposition, trial experience. On behalf of manufacturers and physicians involved in silicone implant litigation, plaintiff for 1-tryptophan EMS, industry/defendant and selected plaintiffs for industrial/occupational/environmental/post-traumatic claims of fibromyalgia, reflex dystrophy and syndromes of chronic fatigue and pain, arthritis, connective tissue and other rheumatologic diseases. Physician/plaintiff in rheumatology medical malpractice issues. Multiple US/foreign patents for ergonomic engineering. Degrees/Licenses: MD, FRCPC (Brd. Cert. Rheumatology & Int. Med.); FACR (Lic. CA, NY).